Cattle moves more than 4 km every day - If they are able to do so. That’s more than a million steps over 12 months on pasture.

We prove husbandry conditions that are based on their natural living conditions: Animals that are grazing on pasture, calves that stay with their mother cows and soil that can regenerate.

Or as we call it:

We follow the movement of each animal.


  • Single animals as well as clustered herds can be managed digitally by the farmer.

    We track and save the movement of each animal and provide the transparent data to the supply chain or the customer.

  • Digital fences allow us to automatically allocate the animals to the pasture areas.

    Thus, we can track exactly to the minute and the step how much time the animal has spent on pasture or in the stable.

  • Farmers can further monitor the animals in realtime.
    If an animal breaks through the fence or does not move for an unusual period of time, the system automatically sets off an alarm.

And create a digital label as the ultimate proof.

A minimum of one Million Steps indicates a whole chain of benefits and tell a lot about your beef and dairy products:

  • We can prove freedom of movement. Cattle needs to walk and even run more than you might think. Our test-tracked animals moved for more than 4 km a day on fresh grass.

  • Cattle does not just move on grass – It’s grazing. The more steps it takes on grass the less time the animal is fed with any added forage such as grain or soy that might have been produced with a high carbon footprint.

  • We can prove where the animals lived and finally if your beef or dairy products have a regional origin.

    Via our digital traceability link customers can retrieve the transparent data and background information about the animal and the farmer.

  • The most common practice for a new-born calf is to be taken from its mother immediately and is not allowed to have any contact.

    We do not claim but actually prove how much time a calf spent with their dam (mother cow).

    According to a report from Norsøk, (the Norwegian Centre for Organic Agriculture) interviewed farmers said that the calves become calmer when they are not separated from the mother. They grow up healthier and are less stressed.

The data is tied to the official ear-tag of each animal. Via QR codes anyone can retrieve the original data - as a professional in the food service industry, a restaurant guest or a customer.